SpringCloud RPC追踪
2023-11-30 16:16 更新
@Autowired Tracing tracing; @Autowired Tracer tracer; // before you send a request, add metadata that describes the operation span = tracer.nextSpan().name(service + "/" + method).kind(CLIENT); span.tag("myrpc.version", "1.0.0"); span.remoteServiceName("backend"); span.remoteIpAndPort("", 8108); // Add the trace context to the request, so it can be propagated in-band tracing.propagation().injector(Request::addHeader) .inject(span.context(), request); // when the request is scheduled, start the span span.start(); // if there is an error, tag the span span.tag("error", error.getCode()); // or if there is an exception span.error(exception); // when the response is complete, finish the span span.finish();
@Autowired Tracing tracing; @Autowired Tracer tracer; // start a new span representing a client request oneWaySend = tracer.nextSpan().name(service + "/" + method).kind(CLIENT); // Add the trace context to the request, so it can be propagated in-band tracing.propagation().injector(Request::addHeader) .inject(oneWaySend.context(), request); // fire off the request asynchronously, totally dropping any response request.execute(); // start the client side and flush instead of finish oneWaySend.start().flush();
@Autowired Tracing tracing; @Autowired Tracer tracer; // pull the context out of the incoming request extractor = tracing.propagation().extractor(Request::getHeader); // convert that context to a span which you can name and add tags to oneWayReceive = nextSpan(tracer, extractor.extract(request)) .name("process-request") .kind(SERVER) ... add tags etc. // start the server side and flush instead of finish oneWayReceive.start().flush(); // you should not modify this span anymore as it is complete. However, // you can create children to represent follow-up work. next = tracer.newSpan(oneWayReceive.context()).name("step2").start();