Ext.js Ext JS的讨论

2018-12-28 10:12 更新

Ext JS的高级版本的新增功能

Ext JS 5

  1. MVVM architecture: In Ext JS 5 the controller of MVC architecture is replaced by a viewmodel which is a model specific to view. This view model is basically used for binding data between model and different views. So with the help of this multiway binding is possible in Ext JS which was one of the shortcoming of this library.
  2. Minimal modification for touch screen: Ext JS 5 has such functionality that the desktop application can be made to work on a tablet or a touch screen PC with minimal modifications.
  3. Compatibility with Ext 4: It is completely compatible with Ext JS 4 or prior versions ans still supports MVC architecture so that the applications which are using Ext JS prior can still upgrade it to 5 and can continue with the existing code.
  4. Themes: Ext JS 5 has included new themes:
  • Neptune Touch:It had look and feel as basic Neptune theme with touch centric functionalities, such that theme should work properly for tappable elements also without any UI distortion.
  • Crisp: This is similar to Neptune touch functionally but has different look and feel such as different colors, icons etc.
  • View specific controller: Ext JS 5 is using viewmodel functionality but still we can have a controller which is also specific to a particular view, so now we do not have a global controller like we had in the previous versions but a controller which is associated with a specific view instance.


  • Formulas in view model: Introduction of formulas in model has made it logically easy. Formula in models is like creation of particular data with the other data. In previous versions of Ext JS we were doing the same in renderer in grid column.
  • Responsive config: In Ext JS 5 we have configs which are responsive as in the config value is applicable only when some rule is true.
    ResponsiveConfig {
       'width 1000':{
          region: 'west'
  • New widgets:New charts which work for both Ext JS and sencha touch , in tabpanel icon alignment, text rotation new features added, addition of Breadcrumb bars etc.
  • Sparkline in grid: Now in Ext Js 5 we can have charts in grid column
  • Multiway filtering, sorting:In Ext JS 5 multiway filtering and sorting is added, now we can choose multiple filters to filteration.
  • Ext JS 6


    它是EXT JS和Sencha Touch的合并。



    如果工具包是经典的,它包括Ext JS桌面应用程序框架。



    如果升级是形式Sencha触摸而不是Ext JS,那么它有广泛的好处,所有鼠标事件将无缝地与此工作。

    新主题“Triton"包括更加注重内容,而不是装饰,如圆角或虚线。 这个新主题使用字体awesome工具包。

    Font awesome是一个工具包,它最好与bootstrap和具有大量的图标,其大小可以很容易地增加或减少基于使用的css类。

    Font awesome可与< i> 标签和类属性:

    < i class =“fa fa-camera-retro fa-lg">


    新编译器添加时尚用于构建.scss文件。 Sencha cmd与phantom js可以使用时尚轻松地构建.scss文件。

    Ext JS 6提供了使用promises实现的功能。 Promises表示异步操作的结果,使代码解除阻塞。 它照顾所有错误发生时回调或之前。


    它提供响应列模型,它的工作与ExtJS 5中添加的响应配置差不多。例如,基于规则,可以决定使用哪个css类,这对不同的设备类型有帮助。

    3D图表包含在此版本的Ext JS中,它支持许多其他酷功能,如标签,图例,突出显示,工具提示和可配置的3D效果。

    Browser Support in Ext JS 6



    • IE11+
    • Firefox and Firefox ESR (Latest 2 Versions)
    • Chrome (Latest 2 Versions)
    • Safari 7+


    • IE11+
    • Android 4.0+ Chrome
    • Android 4.4+ Native
    • Safari 7+



    • IE8+ (Strict DOCTYPE)
    • Firefox and Firefox ESR (Latest 2 Versions)
    • Chrome (Latest 2 Versions)
    • Safari 7+
    • Opera (Latest 2 Versions)


    • Windows 8 Touch Screen - IE10+
    • Android 4.0+ Chrome
    • Android 4.4+ Native
    • Safari 7+




