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7.<INPUT onclick="window.external.ImportExportFavorites(true,'');" type=button value=导入收藏夹 name=Button5>
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9.<INPUT onclick="window.external.AddFavorite(location.href, document.title)" type=button value=加入收藏夹 name=Button22>
10.<INPUT onclick="window.external.ShowBrowserUI('OrganizeFavorites', null)" type=button value=整理收藏夹 name=Submit2>
11.<INPUT onclick='window.location="view-source:" + window.location.href' type=button value=查看源文件 name=Button7>
12.<INPUT onclick="window.external.ShowBrowserUI('LanguageDialog', null)" type=button value=语言设置 name=Button6>
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29.<INPUT onclick=history.go(-1) type=button value=后退>
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31.<INPUT onclick=history.back() type=button value=后退>
32.<INPUT onclick='window.external.ImportExportFavorites(true,"http://localhost";);' type=button value=导入收藏夹>
33.<INPUT onclick='window.external.ImportExportFavorites(false,"http://localhost";);' type=button value=导出收藏夹>
34.<INPUT onclick="window.external.ShowBrowserUI('OrganizeFavorites', null)" type=button value=整理收藏夹>
35.<INPUT onclick="window.location = 'view-source:'+ window.location.href" type=button value=查看源文件>
36.<INPUT onclick="window.external.ShowBrowserUI('LanguageDialog', null)" type=button value=语言设置>
37.<INPUT onclick="window.external.AddFavorite('', 十万个为什么)" type=button value=加入收藏夹>
38.<INPUT onclick="window.external.addChannel('')" type=button value=加入到频道>
39.<INPUT onclick="'url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('')" type=button value=设成主页>
使用input工具其实很简单,首先进入adb shell,然后输入:
[plain] view plain copy
#input keyevent <keycode>
[plain] view plain copy
$adb shell input keyevent <keycode>
static const KeycodeLabel KEYCODES[] = {
{ "SOFT_LEFT", 1 },
{ "SOFT_RIGHT", 2 },
{ "HOME", 3 },
{ "BACK", 4 },
{ "CALL", 5 },
{ "ENDCALL", 6 },
{ "0", 7 },
{ "1", 8 },
{ "2", 9 },
{ "3", 10 },
{ "4", 11 },
{ "5", 12 },
{ "6", 13 },
{ "7", 14 },
{ "8", 15 },
{ "9", 16 },
{ "STAR", 17 },
{ "POUND", 18 },
{ "DPAD_UP", 19 },
{ "DPAD_DOWN", 20 },
{ "DPAD_LEFT", 21 },
{ "DPAD_RIGHT", 22 },
{ "DPAD_CENTER", 23 },
{ "VOLUME_UP", 24 },
{ "VOLUME_DOWN", 25 },
{ "POWER", 26 },
{ "CAMERA", 27 },
{ "CLEAR", 28 },
{ "A", 29 },
{ "B", 30 },
{ "C", 31 },
{ "D", 32 },
{ "E", 33 },
{ "F", 34 },
{ "G", 35 },
{ "H", 36 },
{ "I", 37 },
{ "J", 38 },
{ "K", 39 },
{ "L", 40 },
{ "M", 41 },
{ "N", 42 },
{ "O", 43 },
{ "P", 44 },
{ "Q", 45 },
{ "R", 46 },
{ "S", 47 },
{ "T", 48 },
{ "U", 49 },
{ "V", 50 },
{ "W", 51 },
{ "X", 52 },
{ "Y", 53 },
{ "Z", 54 },
{ "COMMA", 55 },
{ "PERIOD", 56 },
{ "ALT_LEFT", 57 },
{ "ALT_RIGHT", 58 },
{ "SHIFT_LEFT", 59 },
{ "SHIFT_RIGHT", 60 },
{ "TAB", 61 },
{ "SPACE", 62 },
{ "SYM", 63 },
{ "EXPLORER", 64 },
{ "ENVELOPE", 65 },
{ "ENTER", 66 },
{ "DEL", 67 },
{ "GRAVE", 68 },
{ "MINUS", 69 },
{ "EQUALS", 70 },
{ "LEFT_BRACKET", 71 },
{ "RIGHT_BRACKET", 72 },
{ "BACKSLASH", 73 },
{ "SEMICOLON", 74 },
{ "APOSTROPHE", 75 },
{ "SLASH", 76 },
{ "AT", 77 },
{ "NUM", 78 },
{ "HEADSETHOOK", 79 },
{ "FOCUS", 80 },
{ "PLUS", 81 },
{ "MENU", 82 },
{ "SEARCH", 84 },
{ "MEDIA_STOP", 86 },
{ "MEDIA_NEXT", 87 },
{ "MEDIA_REWIND", 89 },
{ "MUTE", 91 },
{ "PAGE_UP", 92 },
{ "PAGE_DOWN", 93 },
{ "PICTSYMBOLS", 94 },
{ "BUTTON_A", 96 },
{ "BUTTON_B", 97 },
{ "BUTTON_C", 98 },
{ "BUTTON_X", 99 },
{ "BUTTON_Y", 100 },
{ "BUTTON_Z", 101 },
{ "BUTTON_L1", 102 },
{ "BUTTON_R1", 103 },
{ "BUTTON_L2", 104 },
{ "BUTTON_R2", 105 },
{ "BUTTON_THUMBL", 106 },
{ "BUTTON_THUMBR", 107 },
{ "BUTTON_START", 108 },
{ "BUTTON_SELECT", 109 },
{ "BUTTON_MODE", 110 },
// NOTE: If you add a new keycode here you must also add it to several other files.
// Refer to frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/ for the full list.
{ NULL, 0 }
input工具不仅在adb shell下使用,在C/C++代码中也可以使用:
sprintf(s_keyArray, "input keyevent %d", keycode);