
struct Char::Reader


A Char::Reader allows iterating a String by Chars.

As soon as you instantiate a Char::Reader it will decode the first char in the String, which can be accessed by invoking #current_char. At this point #pos, the current position in the string, will equal zero. Successive calls to #next_char return the next chars in the string, advancing #pos.

Note that the null character '\0' will be returned in #current_char when the end is reached (as well as when the string is empty). Thus, #has_next? will return false only when #pos is equal to the string's bytesize, in which case #current_char will always be '\0'.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Enumerable(Char)

all? all?
, any?(&block)
any? any?
, chunks(&block : T -> U) forall U chunks, compact_map(&block) compact_map, count(&block)
count(item) count
, cycle(n, &block)
cycle(&block) cycle
, each(&block : T -> _) each, each_cons(count : Int, reuse = false, &block) each_cons, each_slice(count : Int, reuse = false, &block) each_slice, each_with_index(offset = 0, &block) each_with_index, each_with_object(obj, &block) each_with_object, find(if_none = nil, &block) find, first(count : Int)
first first
, first? first?, flat_map(&block : T -> Array(U) | Iterator(U) | U) forall U flat_map, grep(pattern) grep, group_by(&block : T -> U) forall U group_by, in_groups_of(size : Int, filled_up_with : U = nil) forall U
in_groups_of(size : Int, filled_up_with : U = nil, reuse = false, &block) forall U in_groups_of
, includes?(obj) includes?, index(&block)
index(obj) index
, index_by(&block : T -> U) forall U index_by, join(separator, io)
join(separator = "")
join(separator, io, &block)
join(separator = "", &block) join
, map(&block : T -> U) forall U map, map_with_index(&block : T, Int32 -> U) forall U map_with_index, max max, max? max?, max_by(&block : T -> U) forall U max_by, max_by?(&block : T -> U) forall U max_by?, max_of(&block : T -> U) forall U max_of, max_of?(&block : T -> U) forall U max_of?, min min, min? min?, min_by(&block : T -> U) forall U min_by, min_by?(&block : T -> U) forall U min_by?, min_of(&block : T -> U) forall U min_of, min_of?(&block : T -> U) forall U min_of?, minmax minmax, minmax? minmax?, minmax_by(&block : T -> U) forall U minmax_by, minmax_by?(&block : T -> U) forall U minmax_by?, minmax_of(&block : T -> U) forall U minmax_of, minmax_of?(&block : T -> U) forall U minmax_of?, none?(&block)
none? none?
, one?(&block) one?, partition(&block) partition, product(&block)
product(initial : Number, &block)
product(initial : Number) product
, reduce(&block)
reduce(memo, &block) reduce
, reject(&block : T -> ) reject, select(&block : T -> ) select, size size, skip(count : Int) skip, skip_while(&block) skip_while, sum(initial)
sum(initial, &block)
sum(&block) sum
, take_while(&block) take_while, to_a to_a, to_h to_h, to_set to_set

Instance methods inherited from struct Struct

==(other : self) : Bool ==, hash : Int32 hash, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, pretty_print(pp) : Nil pretty_print, to_s(io) to_s

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other) ==, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

!=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other) ===
, =~(other) =~, class class, dup dup, hash hash, inspect(io : IO)
inspect inspect
, itself itself, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, tap(&block) tap, to_json(io : IO)
to_json to_json
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ")
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") to_pretty_json
, to_s
to_s(io : IO) to_s
, to_yaml(io : IO)
to_yaml to_yaml
, try(&block) try

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String) : self
from_json(string_or_io) : self from_json
, from_yaml(string_or_io) : self from_yaml

Class Method Detail

def : String, pos = 0)Source

Creates a reader with the specified string positioned at byte index pos.

def*, at_end string : String)Source

Creates a reader that will be positioned at the last char of the given string.

Instance Method Detail

def current_char : CharSource

Returns the current character.

reader ="ab")
reader.current_char # => 'a'
reader.current_char # => 'b'

def current_char_width : Int32Source

Returns the size of the #current_char (in bytes) as if it were encoded in UTF-8.

reader ="aé")
reader.current_char_width # => 1
reader.current_char_width # => 2

def each(&block) : NilSource

Yields successive characters from #string starting from #pos.

reader ="abc")
reader.each do |c|
  puts c.upcase

def error : UInt8?Source

If there was an error decoding the current char because of an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence, returns the byte that produced the invalid encoding. Otherwise returns nil.

def has_next?Source

Returns true if there is a character left to read. The terminating byte '\0' is considered a valid character by this method.

reader ="a")
reader.has_next?      # => true
reader.peek_next_char # => '\0'

def has_previous?Source

Returns true if there are characters before the current one.

def next_charSource

Reads the next character in the string, #pos is incremented. Raises IndexError if the reader is at the end of the #string.

reader ="ab")
reader.next_char # => 'b'

def peek_next_charSource

Returns the next character in the #string without incrementing #pos. Raises IndexError if the reader is at the end of the #string.

reader ="ab")
reader.peek_next_char # => 'b'
reader.current_char   # => 'a'

def pos : Int32Source

Returns the position of the current character.

reader ="ab")
reader.pos # => 0
reader.pos # => 1

def pos=(pos)Source

Sets #pos to pos.

reader ="abc")
reader.pos = 0
reader.current_char # => 'a'

def previous_charSource

Returns the previous character, #pos is decremented. Raises IndexError if the reader is at the begining of the #string

def string : StringSource

Returns the reader's String.

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.





