Weex 环境变量
2023-12-26 16:37 更新
Weex 提供 WXEnvironment 用来获取 Weex 运行的环境变量,Rax 页面可以通过 WXEnvironment 访问。 提供字段如下:
- platform (String) Current running platform, could be "Android", "iOS" or "Web".
- weexVersion (String) The version of Weex SDK.
- appName (String) Mobile app name or browser name.
- appVersion (String) The version of current app.
- osName (String) The OS name, could be "Android" or "iOS".
- osVersion (String) The version of current OS.
- deviceModel (String) Mobile phone device model. (native only)
- deviceWidth (Number) Screen resolution width.
- deviceHeight (Number) Screen resolution height.
Rax 环境中的全局变量 Weex 在 WeexSDK 0.15 版本之后提供