Adding features to our bouncing balls demo

2018-05-15 17:26 更新
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目的: 测试JavaScript对象和面向对象结构的理解


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我们的弹性球演示是有趣的,但现在我们想通过添加一个用户控制的邪恶的圈子,它会吃球,如果它捕捉到一个更多的互动。 我们还想通过创建一个通用的 Shape()对象来测试你的对象构建技能,我们的球和邪恶的圈子可以继承。 最后,我们要添加一个分数计数器来跟踪要捕获的球数。


    为了给您更多想法,请查看完成的示例 >(没有偷看源代码!)




    首先,改变你现有的 Ball()构造函数,使它成为一个 Shape()构造函数和一个新的 Ball

    1. The Shape() constructor should define the x, y, velX, and velY properties in the same way as the Ball() constructor did originally.
    2. It should also define a new property called exists, which is used to track whether the balls exist in the program (have not been eaten by the evil circle). This should be a boolean, with an initial value of true.
    3. The Ball() constructor should inherit x, y, velX, velY, and exists from the Shape() constructor. Remember that you'll need to define them as parameters as well as calling them.
    4. It should also define a color and a size property, which should both be initialized to the same random values as they were in the original Ball() constructor.
    5. Remember to set the Ball() constructor's prototype and constructor appropriately.

    draw() update()碰撞检测()方法定义应该能够保持完全一样,

    在这一点上,尝试重新加载代码 - 它应该像以前一样工作,与我们重新设计的对象。


    现在是时候遇到坏人 - EvilCircle() 我们的游戏只涉及一个邪恶的圈子,但我们仍然要使用继承自 Shape()的构造函数来定义它,给你一些练习。 您可能想在以后添加另一个圈子,可以由另一个玩家控制,或有几个计算机控制的邪恶的圈子。 你可能不会用一个邪恶的圈子接管世界,但它会做这个评估。

    EvilCircle()构造函数应该从 Shape()中继承 x y 代码>。


    • color'white'
    • size10
    • velX20
    • velY20

    同样,请记住在构造函数中将继承的属性定义为参数,并正确设置 prototype 构造函数属性。




    此方法与 Ball() draw()方法具有相同的目的:它在画布上绘制对象实例。 它将以非常类似的方式工作,因此您可以从复制 Ball.prototype.draw 定义开始。 然后,您应该进行以下更改:

    • We want the evil circle to not be filled in, but rather just have an outer line (stroke). You can achieve this by updating fillStyle and fill() to strokeStyle and stroke().
    • We also want to make the stroke a bit thicker, so you can see the evil circle a bit more easily. This can be achieved by setting a value for lineWidth somewhere after the beginPath() call (3 will do).


    这个方法将做与 Ball() update()函数的第一部分相同的事情 - 看看邪恶的圆圈是否会离开边缘 的屏幕,并停止这样做。 同样,你可以大多只是复制 Ball.prototype.update 的定义,但有一些修改你应该做:

    • Get rid of the last two lines — we don't want to automatically update the evil circle's position on every frame, because we will be moving it in some other way, as you'll see below.
    • Inside the if() statements, if the tests return true we don't want to update velX/velY; we want to instead change the value of x/y so the evil circle is bounced back onto the screen slightly. Adding or subtracting (as appropriate) the evil circle's size property would make sense.


    此方法将向 window 对象添加一个 onkeydown 事件侦听器,以便当按下某些键盘键时,我们可以移动邪恶的圆圈。 以下代码块应该放在方法定义中:

    var _this = this;
    window.onkeydown = function(e) {
        if (e.keyCode === 65) {
          _this.x -= _this.velX;
        } else if (e.keyCode === 68) {
          _this.x += _this.velX;
        } else if (e.keyCode === 87) {
          _this.y -= _this.velY;
        } else if (e.keyCode === 83) {
          _this.y += _this.velY;

    因此,当按下某个键时,会查看事件对象的 keyCode 属性,以查看 按下该键。 如果它是由指定的键盘代表的四个之一,那么邪恶的圆圈将左/右/上/下移动。

    • For a bonus point, let us know which keys the specified keycodes map to.
    • For another bonus point, can you tell us why we've had to set var _this = this; in the position it is in? It is something to do with function scope.


    此方法将以非常类似于 Ball() collisionDetect()方法的方式运行,因此您可以使用该方法的副本作为此新方法的基础。 但有几个区别:

    • In the outer if statement, you no longer need to check whether the current ball in the iteration is the same as the ball that is doing the checking — because it is not longer a ball, it is the evil circle! Instead, you need to do a test to see if the ball being checked exists (with which property could you do this with?). If it doesn't exist, it has already been eaten by the evil circle, so there is no need to check it again.
    • In the inner if statement, you no longer want to make the objects change color when a collision is detected — instead, you want to set any balls that collide with the evil circle to not exist any more (again, how do you think you'd do that?).


    现在我们已经定义了邪恶的圈子,我们需要让它出现在我们的场景中。 为此,您需要对 loop()函数进行一些更改。

    • First of all, create a new evil circle object instance, then call its setControls() method. You only need to do these two things once, not on every iteration of the loop.
    • At the point where you loop through every ball and call the draw(), update(), and collisionDetect() functions for each one, make it so that these functions are only called if the current ball exists.
    • Call the evil ball instance's draw(), checkBounds(), and collisionDetect() methods on every iteration of the loop.



    1. In your HTML file, add a <p> element just below the <h1> element containing the text "Ball count: ".
    2. In your CSS file, add the following rule at the bottom:
      p {
        position: absolute;
        margin: 0;
        top: 35px;
        right: 5px;
        color: #aaa;
    3. In your JavaScript, make the following updates:
      • Create a variable that stores a reference to the paragraph.
      • Keep a count of the number of balls on screen in some way.
      • Increment the count and display the updated number of balls each time a ball is added to the scene.
      • Decrement the count and display the updated number of balls each time the evil circle eats a ball (causes it not to exist).


    • This assessment is quite challenging. Take each step slowly and carefully.
    • It might be an idea to keep a separate copy of the demo after you get each stage working, so you can refer back to it if you find yourself in trouble later on.


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