Learn web development
MDN这个领域的目的不是把你从"初学者"带到"专家",而是把你从"初学者"带到"舒适"。 从那里,您应该可以开始使用,从其他MDN 和其他中间到高级资源学习 假设很多以前的知识。
如果你是一个完整的初学者,网络开发可能是具有挑战性的 - 我们将握着你的手,提供足够的细节,让你感到舒适,正确地学习主题。 你应该感觉在家是否是一个学生学习Web开发(自己或作为课程的一部分),一个老师寻找课程材料,一个爱好者,或者只是想了解更多关于Web技术如何工作的人。
重要:正在定期添加学习区域中的内容。 如果您对想要查看的主题有任何疑问或遗漏,请参阅下面的与我们联系部分,了解如何联系。
- Complete beginner: If you are a complete beginner to web development, we'd recommend that you start by working through our Getting started with the Web module, which provides a practical introduction to web development.
- Specific questions: If you have a specific question about web development, our Common questions section may have something to help you.
- Beyond the basics: If you have a bit of knowledge already, the next step is to learn HTML and CSS in detail: start with our Introduction to HTML module and move on to our Introduction to CSS module.
- Moving onto scripting: If you are comfortable with HTML and CSS already, or you are mainly interested in coding, you'll want to move onto JavaScript or server-side development. Begin with our JavaScript first steps and Server-side first steps modules.
注意:我们将来会发布更多核心学习材料。 我们左侧的"高级学习材料"菜单指向MDN上的其他学习材料,这不一定是学习区域的一部分,但仍然有用。
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a descriptive language that specifies webpage structure.
如果您想与我们联系,最好的方法是在我们的 Asynchronous_discussions">邮寄名单或 IRC频道。 我们希望收到您的任何您认为在网站上错误或遗漏,请求新的学习主题,请求帮助您不明白的项目,或任何其他。
如果您有兴趣帮助开发/改进内容,请查看如何帮助,并与他们取得联系! 我们非常乐意与您交谈,无论您是学习者,教师,有经验的网络开发人员,还是有兴趣帮助改善学习体验的其他人。
- Codecademy
- A great interactive site for learning programming languages from scratch.
- Code.org
- Basic coding theory and practice, mainly aimed at children/complete beginners.
- FreeCodeCamp.com
- Interactive site with tutorials and projects to learn Web Development.
- Web Literacy Map
- A framework for entry-level web literacy & 21st Century skills, which also provides access to teaching activities sorted by category.
- Teaching activities
- A series of teaching activities for teaching (and learning) created by the Mozilla Foundation, covering everything from basic web literacy and privacy to JavaScript and hacking Minecraft.