

Package system
Inheritance class Yii » YiiBase
Since 1.0
Source Code framework/yii.php
Yii is a helper class serving common framework functionalities.

It encapsulates YiiBase which provides the actual implementation. By writing your own Yii class, you can customize some functionalities of YiiBase.

Public Properties

Property Type Description Defined By
classMap array class map used by the Yii autoloading mechanism. YiiBase
enableIncludePath boolean whether to rely on PHP include path to autoload class files. YiiBase

Public Methods

Method Description Defined By
app() Returns the application singleton or null if the singleton has not been created yet. YiiBase
autoload() Class autoload loader. YiiBase
beginProfile() Marks the beginning of a code block for profiling. YiiBase
createApplication() Creates an application of the specified class. YiiBase
createComponent() Creates an object and initializes it based on the given configuration. YiiBase
createConsoleApplication() Creates a console application instance. YiiBase
createWebApplication() Creates a Web application instance. YiiBase
endProfile() Marks the end of a code block for profiling. YiiBase
getFrameworkPath() Returns the path of the framework YiiBase
getLogger() Returns message logger YiiBase
getPathOfAlias() Translates an alias into a file path. YiiBase
getVersion() Returns the version of Yii framework YiiBase
import() Imports a class or a directory. YiiBase
log() Logs a message. YiiBase
powered() Returns a string that can be displayed on your Web page showing Powered-by-Yii information YiiBase
registerAutoloader() Registers a new class autoloader. YiiBase
setApplication() Stores the application instance in the class static member. YiiBase
setLogger() Sets the logger object. YiiBase
setPathOfAlias() Create a path alias. YiiBase
t() Translates a message to the specified language. YiiBase
trace() Writes a trace message. YiiBase

© 2008–2017 by Yii Software LLC
Licensed under the three clause BSD license.





