The SQLite Amalgamation

The SQLite Amalgamation

1. Executive Summary

Over 100 separate source files are concatenated into a single large files of C-code named "sqlite3.c" and called "the amalgamation". The amalgamation contains everything an application needs to embed SQLite. The amalgamation file is more than 180,000 lines long and over 6 megabytes in size.

Combining all the code for SQLite into one big file makes SQLite easier to deploy — there is just one file to keep track of. And because all code is in a single translation unit, compilers can do better inter-procedure optimization resulting in machine code that is between 5% and 10% faster.

2. The SQLite Amalgamation

The SQLite library consists of 102 files of C code (as of Version 3.9.0 - 2015-10-14) in the core