
Struct std::collections::linked_list::FrontPlace

#[must_use = "places do nothing unless written to with `pub struct FrontPlace<'a, T> where    T: 'a,  { /* fields omitted */ }???? This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (collection_placement #30172)struct name and placement protocol are subject to change
A place for insertion at the front of a LinkedList.

See LinkedList::front_place for details.
Trait Implementationsimpl<'a, T> Place<T> for FrontPlace<'a, T>[src]
fn pointer(&mut self) -> *mut T
???? This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (placement_new_protocol #27779)Returns the address where the input value will be written. Note that the data at this address is generally uninitialized, and thus one should use ptr::write for initializing it. Read more
impl<'a, T> Debug for FrontPlace<'a, T> where    T: 'a + Debug, [src]
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error>
Formats the value using the given formatter.
impl<'a, T> Placer<T> for FrontPlace<'a, T>[src]
type Place = FrontPlace<'a, T>
???? This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (placement_new_protocol #27779)Place is the intermedate agent guarding the uninitialized state for Data. Read more
fn make_place(self) -> FrontPlace<'a, T>
???? This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (placement_new_protocol #27779)Creates a fresh place from self.
impl<'a, T> InPlace<T> for FrontPlace<'a, T>[src]
type Owner = ()
???? This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (placement_new_protocol #27779)Owner is the type of the end value of PLACE <- EXPR Read more
unsafe fn finalize(self)
???? This is a nightly-only experimental API.  (placement_new_protocol #27779)Converts self into the final value, shifting deallocation/cleanup responsibilities (if any remain), over to the returned instance of Owner and forgetting self. Read more




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