

Conveniences for building plugs.

This module can be use-d into a module in order to build a plug pipeline:

defmodule MyApp do
  use Plug.Builder

  plug Plug.Logger
  plug :hello, upper: true

  # A function from another module can be plugged too, provided it's
  # imported into the current module first.
  import AnotherModule, only: [interesting_plug: 2]
  plug :interesting_plug

  def hello(conn, opts) do
    body = if opts[:upper], do: "WORLD", else: "world"
    send_resp(conn, 200, body)

Multiple plugs can be defined with the plug/2 macro, forming a pipeline. The plugs in the pipeline will be executed in the order they’ve been added through the plug/2 macro. In the example above, Plug.