URLs and Routing

URLs and Routing

How to drive your Meteor app's UI using URLs with FlowRouter.

After reading this guide, you’ll know:

  1. The role URLs play in a client-rendered app, and how it’s different from a traditional server-rendered app.
  2. How to define client and server routes for your app using Flow Router.
  3. How to have your app display different content depending on the URL.
  4. How to construct links to routes and go to routes programmatically.

Client-side Routing

In a web application, routing is the process of using URLs to drive the user interface (UI). URLs are a prominent feature in every single web browser, and have several main functions from the user’s point of view:

  1. Bookmarking - Users can bookmark URLs in their web browser to save content they want to come back to later.
  2. Sharing -