Creating tasks

Creating tasks

Tasks are grunt's bread and butter. The stuff you do most often, like jshint or nodeunit. Every time Grunt is run, you specify one or more tasks to run, which tells Grunt what you'd like it to do.

If you don't specify a task, but a task named "default" has been defined, that task will run (unsurprisingly) by default.

Alias Tasks

If a task list is specified, the new task will be an alias for one or more other tasks. Whenever this "alias task" is run, every specified tasks in taskList will be run, in the order specified. The taskList argument must be an array of tasks.

grunt.registerTask(taskName, [description, ] taskList)

This example alias task defines a "default" task whereby the "jshint", "qunit", "concat" and "uglify" tasks are run automatically if Grunt is executed without specifying any tasks:
