
Package plan9obj


Package plan9obj implements access to Plan 9 a.out object files.


Package files

file.go plan9obj.go


const (
        Magic64 = 0x8000 // 64-bit expanded header

        Magic386   = (4*11+0)*11 + 7
        MagicAMD64 = (4*26+0)*26 + 7 + Magic64
        MagicARM   = (4*20+0)*20 + 7

type FileSource

A File represents an open Plan 9 a.out file.

type File struct {
        Sections []*Section
        // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFileSource

func NewFile(r io.ReaderAt) (*File, error)

NewFile creates a new File for accessing a Plan 9 binary in an underlying reader. The Plan 9 binary is expected to start at position 0 in the ReaderAt.

func OpenSource

func Open(name string) (*File, error)

Open opens the named file using os.Open and prepares it for use as a Plan 9 a.out binary.

func (*File) CloseSource

func (f *File) Close() error

Close closes the File. If the File was created using NewFile directly instead of Open, Close has no effect.

func (*File) SectionSource

func (f *File) Section(name string) *Section

Section returns a section with the given name, or nil if no such section exists.

func (*File) SymbolsSource

func (f *File) Symbols() ([]Sym, error)

Symbols returns the symbol table for f.

type FileHeaderSource

A FileHeader represents a Plan 9 a.out file header.

type FileHeader struct {
        Magic       uint32
        Bss         uint32
        Entry       uint64
        PtrSize     int
        LoadAddress uint64
        HdrSize     uint64

type SectionSource

A Section represents a single section in a Plan 9 a.out file.

type Section struct {

        // Embed ReaderAt for ReadAt method.
        // Do not embed SectionReader directly
        // to avoid having Read and Seek.
        // If a client wants Read and Seek it must use
        // Open() to avoid fighting over the seek offset
        // with other clients.
        // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Section) DataSource

func (s *Section) Data() ([]byte, error)

Data reads and returns the contents of the Plan 9 a.out section.

func (*Section) OpenSource

func (s *Section) Open() io.ReadSeeker

Open returns a new ReadSeeker reading the Plan 9 a.out section.

type SectionHeaderSource

A SectionHeader represents a single Plan 9 a.out section header. This structure doesn't exist on-disk, but eases navigation through the object file.

type SectionHeader struct {
        Name   string
        Size   uint32
        Offset uint32

type SymSource

A Symbol represents an entry in a Plan 9 a.out symbol table section.

type Sym struct {
        Value uint64
        Type  rune
        Name  string

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