Upgrading Chrome Checklist

Upgrading Chrome Checklist

This document is meant to serve as an overview of what steps are needed on each Chrome upgrade in Electron.

These are things to do in addition to updating the Electron code for any Chrome/Node API changes.

  • Verify the new Chrome version is available from https://github.com/zcbenz/chromium-source-tarball/releases
  • Update the VERSION file at the root of the electron/libchromiumcontent repository
  • Update the CLANG_REVISION in script/update-clang.sh to match the version Chrome is using in libchromiumcontent/src/tools/clang/scripts/update.py
  • Upgrade vendor/node to the Node release that corresponds to the v8 version being used in the new Chrome release. See the v8 versions in Node on https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases for more details
  • Upgrade vendor/crashpad for any crash re