
function hook_quickedit_render_field

hook_quickedit_render_field(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity, $field_name, $view_mode_id, $langcode)

Returns a renderable array for the value of a single field in an entity.

To integrate with in-place field editing when a non-standard render pipeline is used (FieldItemListInterface::view() is not sufficient to render back the field following in-place editing in the exact way it was displayed originally), implement this hook.

Edit module integrates with HTML elements with data-edit-field-id attributes. For example: data-edit-field-id="node/1/<field-name>/und/<module-name>-<custom-id>" After the editing is complete, this hook is invoked on the module with the custom render pipeline identifier (last part of data-edit-field-id) to re-render the field. Use the same logic used when rendering the field for the original display.

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