
class SessionManager

Manages user sessions.

This class implements the custom session management code inherited from Drupal 7 on top of the corresponding Symfony component. Regrettably the name NativeSessionStorage is not quite accurate. In fact the responsibility for storing and retrieving session data has been extracted from it in Symfony 2.1 but the class name was not changed.

@todo In fact the NativeSessionStorage class already implements all of the functionality required by a typical Symfony application. Normally it is not necessary to subclass it at all. In order to reach the point where Drupal can use the Symfony session management unmodified, the code implemented here needs to be extracted either into a dedicated session handler proxy (e.g. sid-hashing) or relocated to the authentication subsystem.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Session/SessionManager.php, line 28




Name Modifiers Type Description
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function
NativeSessionStorage::$bags protected property Array of SessionBagInterface.
NativeSessionStorage::$closed protected property
NativeSessionStorage::$metadataBag protected property
NativeSessionStorage::$saveHandler protected property
NativeSessionStorage::$started protected property
NativeSessionStorage::clear public function Clear all session data in memory. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::clear
NativeSessionStorage::getBag public function Gets a SessionBagInterface by name. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::getBag
NativeSessionStorage::getId public function Returns the session ID. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::getId
NativeSessionStorage::getMetadataBag public function Gets the MetadataBag. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::getMetadataBag
NativeSessionStorage::getName public function Returns the session name. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::getName
NativeSessionStorage::getSaveHandler public function Gets the save handler instance.
NativeSessionStorage::isStarted public function Checks if the session is started. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::isStarted
NativeSessionStorage::loadSession protected function Load the session with attributes.
NativeSessionStorage::registerBag public function Registers a SessionBagInterface for use. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::registerBag
NativeSessionStorage::setId public function Sets the session ID. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::setId
NativeSessionStorage::setMetadataBag public function Sets the MetadataBag.
NativeSessionStorage::setName public function Sets the session name. Overrides SessionStorageInterface::setName
NativeSessionStorage::setOptions public function Sets session.* ini variables.
NativeSessionStorage::setSaveHandler public function Registers session save handler as a PHP session handler.
SessionManager::$connection protected property The database connection to use.
SessionManager::$requestStack protected property The request stack.
SessionManager::$sessionConfiguration protected property The session configuration.
SessionManager::$startedLazy protected property Whether a lazy session has been started.
SessionManager::$writeSafeHandler protected property The write safe session handler.
SessionManager::delete public function Ends a specific user's session(s). Overrides SessionManagerInterface::delete
SessionManager::destroy public function Destroys the current session and removes session cookies. Overrides SessionManagerInterface::destroy
SessionManager::getSessionDataMask protected function Returns a map specifying which session key is containing user data.
SessionManager::isCli protected function Returns whether the current PHP process runs on CLI.
SessionManager::isSessionObsolete protected function Determines whether the session contains user data.
SessionManager::migrateStoredSession protected function Migrates the current session to a new session id.
SessionManager::regenerate public function Regenerates id that represents this storage. Overrides NativeSessionStorage::regenerate
SessionManager::save public function Force the session to be saved and closed. Overrides NativeSessionStorage::save
SessionManager::setWriteSafeHandler public function Sets the write safe session handler. Overrides SessionManagerInterface::setWriteSafeHandler
SessionManager::start public function Starts the session. Overrides NativeSessionStorage::start
SessionManager::startNow protected function Forcibly start a PHP session.
SessionManager::__construct public function Constructs a new session manager instance. Overrides NativeSessionStorage::__construct

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