Driver options and operating system defaults (Machine)

Driver options and operating system defaults

When Docker Machine provisions containers on local network provider or with a remote, cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services, you must define both the driver for your provider and a base operating system. There are over 10 supported drivers and a generic driver for adding machines for other providers.

Each driver has a set of options specific to that provider. These options provide information to machine such as connection credentials, ports, and so forth. For example, to create an Azure machine:

Grab your subscription ID from the portal, then run docker-machine create with these details:

$ docker-machine create -d azure --azure-subscription-id="SUB_ID" --azure-subscription-cert="mycert.pem" A-VERY-UNIQUE-NAME

To see a list of providers and review the options available to a provider, see the 登录查看完整内容