

The grid-gap CSS property is a shorthand property for grid-row-gap and grid-column-gap specifying the gutters between grid rows and columns.

If <'grid-column-gap'> is omitted, it’s set to the same value as <'grid-row-gap'>.

Initial value as each of the properties of the shorthand:
Applies to grid containers
Inherited no
Media visual
Computed value as each of the properties of the shorthand:
Animation type as each of the properties of the shorthand:
Canonical order the unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar


/* One <length> value */
grid-gap: 20px;
grid-gap: 1em;
grid-gap: 3vmin;
grid-gap: 0.5cm;

/* One <percentage> value */
grid-gap: 16%;
grid-gap: 100%;

/* Two <length> values */
grid-gap: 20px 10px;
grid-gap: 1em 0.5em;
grid-gap: 3vmin 2vmax;
grid-gap: 0.5cm 2mm;

/* One or two <percentage> values */
grid-gap: 16% 100%;
grid-gap: 21px 82%;

/* Global values */
grid-gap: inherit;
grid-gap: initial;
grid-gap: unset;


Is the width of the gutter separating the grid lines.
Is the width of the gutter separating the grid lines, relative to the dimension of the element.

Formal syntax

<'grid-row-gap'> <'grid-column-gap'>?


HTML Content

<div id="grid">

CSS Content

#grid {
  display: grid;
  height: 200px;
  grid-template: repeat(3, 1fr) / repeat(3, 1fr);
  grid-gap: 20px 5px;

#grid > div {
  background-color: lime;


Specification Status Comment
CSS Grid Layout
The definition of 'grid-gap' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation Initial definition

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 57.0[1] No support[3] 52.0 (52.0)[2] No support[3] 44[4] No support[6]
<percentage> value No support No support[3] 52.0 (52.0)[2] No support[3] No support[4] No support[6]
Feature Android Webview Chrome for Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support 57.0[1] 57.0[1] ? 52.0 (52.0)[3] 44 ?
<percentage> value No support No support 52.0 (52.0)[5] No support No support No support

[1] Implemented behind the experimental Web Platform features flag in chrome://flags since Chrome 29.0.

[2] Implemented behind the preference layout.css.grid.enabled since Gecko 40.0 (Firefox 40.0 / Thunderbird 40.0 / SeaMonkey 2.37), defaulting to false. Since Gecko 52.0 (Firefox 52.0 / Thunderbird 52.0 / SeaMonkey 2.49) it is enabled by default.

[3] Internet Explorer implements an older version of the specification, which didn't define this property.

[4] Implemented behind the Enable experimental Web Platform features flag in chrome://flags since Opera 28.0.

[5] Implemented behind the preference layout.css.grid.enabled since Gecko 49.0 (Firefox 49.0 / Thunderbird 49.0 / SeaMonkey 2.46), defaulting to false. Since Gecko 52.0 (Firefox 52.0 / Thunderbird 52.0 / SeaMonkey 2.49) it is enabled by default.

[6] Experimental implementation available in Safari Technological Preview.

See also

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