Find a Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation

The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a library used to write high-performance distributed-memory parallel applications, and is typically deployed on a cluster. MPI is a standard interface (defined by the MPI forum) for which many implementations are available. All of them have somewhat different include paths, libraries to link against, etc., and this module tries to smooth out those differences.


This module will set the following variables per language in your project, where <lang> is one of C, CXX, or Fortran:

MPI_<lang>_FOUND           TRUE if FindMPI found MPI flags for <lang>
MPI_<lang>_COMPILER        MPI Compiler wrapper for <lang>
MPI_<lang>_COMPILE_FLAGS   Compilation flags for MPI programs
MPI_<lang>_INCLUDE_PATH    Include path(s) for MPI header