
class Statement

SQLite implementation of \Drupal\Core\Database\Statement.

The PDO SQLite driver only closes SELECT statements when the PDOStatement destructor is called and SQLite does not allow data change (INSERT, UPDATE etc) on a table which has open SELECT statements. This is a user-space mock of PDOStatement that buffers all the data and doesn't have those limitations.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/sqlite/Statement.php, line 17




Name Modifiers Type Description
Statement::execute public function Executes a prepared statement Overrides StatementPrefetch::execute
Statement::getStatement protected function The PDO SQLite layer doesn't replace numeric placeholders in queries correctly, and this makes numeric expressions (such as COUNT(*) >= :count) fail. We replace numeric placeholders in the query ourselves to work around this bug. Overrides StatementPrefetch::getStatement
StatementPrefetch::$allowRowCount public property Is rowCount() execution allowed.
StatementPrefetch::$columnNames protected property The list of column names in this result set.
StatementPrefetch::$currentKey protected property The key of the current row.
StatementPrefetch::$currentRow protected property The current row, retrieved in \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC format.
StatementPrefetch::$data protected property Main data store.
StatementPrefetch::$dbh public property Reference to the Drupal database connection object for this statement.
StatementPrefetch::$defaultFetchOptions protected property Holds supplementary default fetch options.
StatementPrefetch::$defaultFetchStyle protected property Holds the default fetch style.
StatementPrefetch::$driverOptions protected property Driver-specific options. Can be used by child classes.
StatementPrefetch::$fetchOptions protected property Holds supplementary current fetch options (which will be used by the next fetch).
StatementPrefetch::$fetchStyle protected property Holds the current fetch style (which will be used by the next fetch).
StatementPrefetch::$pdoConnection protected property Reference to the PDO connection object for this statement.
StatementPrefetch::$queryString protected property The query string.
StatementPrefetch::$resultRowCount protected property The number of rows in this result set.
StatementPrefetch::$rowCount protected property The number of rows affected by the last query.
StatementPrefetch::current public function Return the current row formatted according to the current fetch style.
StatementPrefetch::fetch public function Fetches the next row from a result set. Overrides StatementInterface::fetch
StatementPrefetch::fetchAll public function Returns an array containing all of the result set rows. Overrides StatementInterface::fetchAll
StatementPrefetch::fetchAllAssoc public function Returns the result set as an associative array keyed by the given field. Overrides StatementInterface::fetchAllAssoc
StatementPrefetch::fetchAllKeyed public function Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. Overrides StatementInterface::fetchAllKeyed
StatementPrefetch::fetchAssoc public function Fetches the next row and returns it as an associative array. Overrides StatementInterface::fetchAssoc
StatementPrefetch::fetchCol public function Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array. Overrides StatementInterface::fetchCol
StatementPrefetch::fetchColumn public function
StatementPrefetch::fetchField public function Returns a single field from the next record of a result set. Overrides StatementInterface::fetchField
StatementPrefetch::fetchObject public function Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. Overrides StatementInterface::fetchObject
StatementPrefetch::getQueryString public function Gets the query string of this statement. Overrides StatementInterface::getQueryString
StatementPrefetch::key public function
StatementPrefetch::next public function
StatementPrefetch::rewind public function
StatementPrefetch::rowCount public function Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement. Overrides StatementInterface::rowCount
StatementPrefetch::setFetchMode public function Sets the default fetch mode for this statement. Overrides StatementInterface::setFetchMode
StatementPrefetch::throwPDOException protected function Throw a PDO Exception based on the last PDO error.
StatementPrefetch::valid public function
StatementPrefetch::__construct public function

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