docker deploy

Advisory: The functionality described on this page is marked as Experimental, and as such, may change before it becomes generally available.

stack deploy (experimental)

Usage:  docker deploy [OPTIONS] STACK

Create and update a stack from a Distributed Application Bundle (DAB)

      --file   string        Path to a Distributed Application Bundle file (Default: STACK.dab)
      --help                 Print usage
      --with-registry-auth   Send registry authentication details to swarm agents

Create and update a stack from a dab file. This command has to be run targeting a manager node.

$ docker deploy vossibility-stack
Loading bundle from vossibility-stack.dab
Creating service vossibility-stack_elasticsearch
Creating service vossibility-stack_kibana
Creating service vossibility-stack_logstash
Creating service vossibility-stack_lookupd
Creating ser